Getting a viewing for the rental property is an uphill battle. Many renters miss out because they don’t understand the principles of scheduling viewings effectively.

This process is frustrating — waiting for days, only to be told the property has already been taken. Worse, being the first to apply doesn’t always guarantee success. However, by understanding the right strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of securing a viewing and eventually landing the home you want.

This guide will walk you through the steps to improve your chances of scheduling viewings.

Start with a Wide Selection of Properties

The first step to scheduling viewings is ensuring you have as many options as possible. Limiting yourself to just one or two platforms is a mistake. You need a broad view of the market to find suitable homes quickly.

Tip: Check out comparison of all Dutch rental platforms to see which are best for you. Uprent makes this easier by combining listings from multiple platforms into one feed. This way, you can see all your options in one place without having to switch between different websites.

Timing Matters, But It's Not Everything

You’ve probably heard that being the first to apply is crucial. While it’s true that timing is important, it’s not the only factor that determines whether you’ll get a viewing. Many platforms overemphasize this aspect to push their instant notification features, but a perfectly crafted application message is much more important.

Uprent does offer instant notifications, too. However, remember that this is just one part of the equation. Focus on the quality of your application message as well. You don’t want to be the first one to get rejected, after all.

Crafting the Perfect Application Message

Your application message is what will ultimately get you noticed. It’s not just about sending in a quick note; it’s about presenting yourself in the best light possible. The message should be structured, and must include:

  • Full Name

  • Viewing Attendance: Specify if you can view the apartment in person or only online

  • Sex

  • Occupation

  • Income: yours or sponsor’s

  • Age

  • Living Arrangement: Mention if you will be living alone, with a partner, or with sharers

  • Bank statement: State the amount you or sponsor can demonstrate on a bank statement

  • Lifestyle: Clarify that you don’t smoke, party, or own pets (but don’t lie!)

  • Contact Information

Uprent automates writing an application message with its browser extension.

Tailor Your Messages for Different Audiences

Not all application messages should be the same. Here’s how to adjust your message depending on who will be reading it:

  • Real Estate Agents: They prefer concise messages with key information like your income. Keep it short and focused on financial stability.

  • Landlords: Include personal details in addition to income, like your job, education, hobbies, and lifestyle. Landlords often want to know more about who you are as a person.

  • Roommates: When applying for shared housing, focus on your personality and how you’ll fit in with the existing tenants. Roommates usually care more about your character than your income.

Note: While Uprent currently generates a standard application message, the ability to save and customize multiple versions is something we’re working on.

Double Up Your Efforts by Applying On Agency’s Website

If you’re applying through platforms like Funda or Pararius, don’t just rely on their built-in application systems. Visit the real estate agent’s website directly and submit your application there as well. Often, real estate agents prioritise viewing requests sent from their website.

Consider Calling the Agent

Often, a phone call can make the difference. Uprent will let you know if it’s worth calling the agent based on the specific agency. If the agent prefers not to schedule viewings by phone, or if the phone lines are often busy, Uprent won’t suggest calling. But if it might help, you’ll see a prompt with the agent’s phone number.

Don't Overlook PDF Forms and Online Applications

Many tenants skip PDF forms or online applications required by real estate agents, thinking it takes too much time. However, filling out these forms can give you a significant edge, as it shows you’re committed. Plus, fewer people complete these, reducing your competition.